
Reports & Ratings

Sustainability Statement 2024

From 2024 onwards, we are reporting on sustainability as an integrated part of our Annual report in accordance with the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and its reporting framework the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The integration of sustainability into the Annual report is reflected in our inaugural Sustainability statement.

Generating wind energy is one of the most carbon-efficient ways to generate electricity. Our turbines produced and shipped during 2024 are expected to avoid 455 million tonnes of GHG emissions over their lifetime. Together with our customers and supply chain, this creates an enormous decarbonisation impact in the global energy system and represents our greatest positive sustainability contribution. 

We continue to make good progress across a wide range of topics, with a clear focus on achieving the objectives of our sustainability strategy. Our sustainability ambitions and achievements are recognised externally, as in January 2025, we were, once again, ranked the most sustainable energy solutions company in the world and #3 overall by Corporate Knights Global 100 ranking.

More information about how we execute on our sustainability targets can be found in the Sustainability statement that is included in the 2024 Annual report.

Go to ratings.

Vestas Sustainability Reports and Environmental Statements


File title:
Vestas - Sustainability Report 2023
File title:
Vestas - Sustainability Report 2022
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Vestas - Sustainability Report 2021
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Vestas - Sustainability Report 2020
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MHI Vestas Offshore Sustainability Report 2019/2020
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Vestas - Sustainability Report 2019
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Vestas - Sustainability Report 2018
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Vestas - Sustainability Report 2017
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Vestas - Sustainability Report 2016
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Vestas - Sustainability Report 2015
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Vestas - Sustainability Report 2014
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Vestas - Sustainability Report 2013
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Vestas - Sustainability Report 2012
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Vestas - Sustainability Report 2011
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Vestas - Sustainability Report 2010
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Vestas - Environmental Statement 2004
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Vestas - Environmental Statement 2003
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Vestas - Environmental Statement 2002
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Vestas - Environmental Statement 2001
File title:
Vestas - Environmental Statement 2000

Sustainability Ratings

At Vestas we welcome the increased focus on and need for transparent ESG ratings asked for by our stakeholders, especially investors and customers. At the same time, we see a growing demand for providing the needed data and have therefore implemented a yearly evaluation process to determine which ratings to support in the coming year.

We support transparent sharing of data and welcome all ESG ratings. However, each year, we select the ratings to support in the coming year. Please see the selected ratings receiving review for this year below.

Corporate Knights Global 100

Rating: Rank 3

The Corporate Knights index lists the top 100 of the world's most sustainable corporations. Vestas has been named the most sustainable energy solutions company and overall the third most sustainable company in the world  in 2025.

CDP Climate

Climate Score: A-
& Supplier Engagement Leaderboard

CDP is a global reporting system that runs a global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. 



Climate Change Questionnaire 2023

S&P Global DJSI - World & Europe 

Score: 67

The Dow Jones Sustainability Index family tracks the stock performance of the world's leading companies in terms of economic, environmental and social criteria.


Low risk - 16.2

ESG Risk Ratings are designed to help identify and understand financially material ESG risks and how those risks might affect performance. 



Score: AAA

MSCI ESG Rating is designed to measure a company's resilience to long term industry material, environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks.



Rating: B+

Focus on the full range of sustainable and responsible investment issues, including climate change, SDG-linked impact, human rights, labor standards, corruption etc.




Score 74 - Gold Medal

Ecovadis is a global sustainability rating that covers environmental, social and ethical performance. It provides transparency on performance along the upstream and downstream value chain.

Life Cycle Assessments

Vestas works with Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) to develop increasingly energy-efficient products whilst mitigating the environmental impacts throughout the turbine's lifetime. Since 1999, Vestas has been developing Life Cycle Assessments of wind power to provide a ‘cradle to grave’ evaluation of the environmental impacts of Vestas’ products and activities.

Human Rights Statements

Norwegian Transparency Act

Norwegian Transparency Act Statement 

File title:
Norwegian Transparency Act Statement

In accordance with the Norwegian Transparency Act, any person has the right to information from Vestas Norway AS regarding how it addresses actual and potential adverse impacts pursuant to Section 4 of the Act.

Canadian Supply Chains Act Report
File title:
Canadian Supply Chains Act Report 2023
File title:
Rapport sur la Loi canadienne sur la chaîne d’approvisionnement 2023
German Supply Chain Act
File title:
Policy statement 2024 German Supply Chain Act (LkSG)
UK Modern Slavery Act Statement
File title:
UK Modern Slavery Act Statement 2023


Human Rights Inquiries

Please direct any requests related to the Norwegian Transparency Act or the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act to the following e-mail: humanrights(at) 

UN Global Compact Communication on Progress


Vestas signed up to the United Nations Global Compact in 2009. We report on our implementation of the ten Global Compact Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

Vestas is implementing the UN Global Compact Advanced Programme.