
Safety at Vestas

Our employees are our greatest asset 

Health, Safety & Environment at Vestas

With around 30,000 employees and worldwide customers, people are the primary source of our personal and business energy. We strive to protect the environment and ensure the personal health and safety of our workforce, recognising that healthy business performance is delivered through healthy people and safe processes and equipment. We recognise that our success and our future require us to carry out our operations in a safe and environmentally conscious way.

At Vestas, we have the Vestas Global Health, Safety, Environment (HSE) framework to implement an effective HSE management system to support our HSE Vision and SQHE Policy. The objective for the Framework is to create a consistent approach to HSE management across the organisation.

The success of our HSE culture is dependent on every individual and leader. Each of us has the responsibility to plan and implement actions to address risks and opportunities and to reduce or eliminate the environmental impacts of our activities.

The Vestas Global HSE Framework outlines the key HSE requirements that each Region within the Vestas organisation shall incorporate in conducting their activities in support of this strategic direction.

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Vestas HSE

Our employees are our greatest asset at Vestas and without safety we cannot take care of them. The passion they display daily for our products, our ambition and strategies are testament to their immense value.  Vestas recognises that good safety is good business, however, it is also a driver for attracting and retaining our great employees. At Vestas, we continually strive to provide a safe place to work. We provide employees with the appropriate safety training for their given role, as well as the instructions, documentation, and PPE to carry out their given role safely. 

To ensure this continued improvement focus and sustainable development, Vestas has set out a clear road map of strategic safety targets. These include the significant reduction in injuries and the elimination of fatalities.

As part of our Sustainability Strategy, we have set the following ambitions safety goals to be achieved by 2030: Zero fatalities for a sustained 3 years, a Total Recordable Injury Rate of less than 1 for every million working hours and an Interdependent Organizational Excellence score resulting best in class and the industry.


Safety walks

A safety walk is an opportunity for managers and employees in production, construction, service, or administration to discuss safe behaviour. Here at Vestas managers and leaders carry out thousands of safety walks each year. They are essential to demonstrate felt leadership through having a safety dialogue with employees and give employees an opportunity to directly feedback and if needed request support from their manager over a safety issue.

Behavioural safety programs

Vestas runs a number of behavioural safety related programs. One of these is the Vestas Behavioural Change program (VBC). The VBC program is an employee-led safety observation program, where safe behaviours are encouraged, recognised, and rewarded - whereas any identified at-risk behaviours are stopped, assessed, and improved to mitigate the risk. Another behavioural safety program is the My Team My Responsibility program. It identifies several behaviours an individual or team would like to focus on and improve. Our units, functions, and factories that have implemented these programs have been able to dramatically reduce the number of reportable injuries.

Global Standards Electrical Safety and Global Standards Control of Hazardous Energy have been developed to ensure all regions and segments perform to a minimal level and these standards allow synergies across the organization to train technician’s using the same material. The intent of the Standards is to eliminate injuries as a result of hazardous energies.