Are wind turbines a threat to birds and bats?


Nature is facing increasing pressure from climate change, which is accelerating biodiversity loss and disrupting critical ecosystems. A key way to protect biodiversity is to cut emissions, mainly through a global shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy – including wind energy.

While energy infrastructure like wind turbines do impact birds and bats, the overall threat is minor compared to other dangers – like climate change, the overall threat is minor compared to the potential effects of climate change, the loss of critical habitat, collisions with cars and buildings, and feral pests.



At Vestas, we’re actively investing in research to develop safer technologies that minimize the effects our wind turbines may have on wildlife. Together with our suppliers, we continue to develop solutions to reduce the risk to the local bird and bat population in the areas where we install and operate projects.

Studies show that wind farms are responsible for between 0.3 fatalities per gigawatt-hour (GWh) of electricity, while fossil-fuelled power stations are responsible for about 5.2 fatalities per GWh. [1]

Another study found that two-thirds of North American bird species face a high risk of extinction due to climate change, which is driven by the use of fossil fuels. [2]

Comparative assessment of avian mortality for fossil fuels and wind power plants in the United states. [1]

Action on climate and biodiversity

The direct effect of wind projects on birds and bats is very low compared to the impact of climate change and human activity.

Fortunately, there are many steps we can take to limit the biodiversity impact of wind farms – from proper siting to targeted curtailment, acoustic deterrents, and more.

How we work to protect birds and bats

As the sustainable energy leader, we have a responsibility to minimize the impacts of wind turbines on birds and bats.

When Vestas develops a wind energy project, we always undertake studies in some places known as Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), or surveys to review potential impacts to biodiversity and in particular birds and bats. This information is used to inform the siting of project facilities and implementation of operational measures to ensure compliance with applicable regulations.

Together with our partners and suppliers, we’re researching how we can improve our systems and products through AI and new technologies. Advances in turbine placement and design are helping to improve coexistence with wildlife. Real-time monitoring systems and improved detection and deterrent technologies are being used to minimize risks.

Partnering to protect wildlife

We’re investing in research to develop even more effective technologies and partnering with key stakeholders to minimize the impact of our activities on the environment and wildlife. With this ambition, we recently formed a consortium with Aarhus University, Monash University, Western Sydney University, and the Norwegian Institute of Nature Research to advance research on the areas of bird and bat collision risk modeling and mitigation measures.  Additionally, Steelhead works with REWI to accelerate the responsible deployment of renewable energy to mitigate climate change and protect wildlife and ecosystems.

Responsible development

    We work with local communities, environmental stakeholders, and authorities to address their specific concerns when developing a wind project. During the development stage of each project, we work with experts and biologists to study the effect on wildlife and create strategies to avoid or minimise impacts. We study our projects for at least a year to confirm low risk or adjust project siting if needed, and to ensure all projects comply with environmental regulations.

Putting protection practices in place

Vestas offers various practices to address the presence of birds and bats near wind turbines:

1. Detection

Systems like radar, cameras, thermal sensors, or microphones detect birds and bats and in many cases can identify species.

2. Response

The system triggers a response to allow action to minimize risk.

3. Action

Depending on the system and species involved, turbines may stop or produce sounds to deter wildlife from the rotor swept area.


Deterrent  systems protect species, primarily using sound to deter bats, which are more sensitive to sound. There are some technologies currently under development to reduce of the risk of bird fatalities and stop them from flying into turbines.

Curtailment involves temporarily stopping turbines based on factors like species presence or environmental conditions when they may be present, such as temperature, time of day/night, season, wind speed and direction. One study found that smart curtailment reduced bat mortality by 54%. [3]

Safeguarding bat species

Vestas developed intelligent software that adjusts turbine operations based on environmental factors related to bat activity. By predicting bat behavior and pausing turbines, when necessary, our Bat Protection System enhances performance while reducing environmental impact, lowering bat fatalities by up to 78%. [4]

1 Benjamin K. Sovacool, (2009). “Contextualizing Avian Mortality: A Preliminary Appraisal of Bird and Bat Fatalities from Wind, Fossil-Fuel, and Nuclear Electricity.”

2 Matthew Eisenson, Jacob Elkin, Andy Fitch, Matthew Ard, Kaya Sittinger, & Aamuel Lavine. (2024). Rebutting 33 False Claims About Solar, Wind, and Electric Vehicles (Vol. 1). Columbia Law School.

3 Bennett, E. M., Florent, S. N., Venosta, M., Gibson, M., Jackson, A., & Stark, E. (2022). Curtailment as a successful method for reducing bat mortality at a southern Australian wind farm. Austral Ecology47(6), 1329–1339.

4 Martin, C., Arnett, E. B., Stevens, R. D., & Wallace, M. C. (2017). Reducing bat fatalities at wind facilities while improving the economic efficiency of operational mitigation. Journal of Mammalogy, 98(2), 387-385.