Robert's Vestas Journey: A Journey of Growth, Adaptability and Innovation

Robert embarked on a transformative journey at Vestas, starting as a SCADA Project Manager in Poland and ascending to a leadership position heading Technical Sales Management. His story is one of seizing opportunities, nurturing curiosity, and embracing change in a supportive environment.
Robert ' s Vestas's journey began in 2014, where he took on the role of overseeing sales and the execution phase of SCADA (Supervision Control and Data Acquisition) systems in Poland. Robert describes that this opportunity wasn't just about fulfilling job responsibilities; it was a chance for him to immerse himself in understanding wind turbine operations, operational strategies, and the underlying technology.
“It was as interesting as rocket science for me, due to my electrical technical background, I was always attracted to power engineering. Therefore, it was a no brainer to apply.”
After managing a plethora of projects in Poland, Robert moved onto a new position internally as a SCADA sales engineer in Northern Europe. In this role, he actively participated in discussions, collaborated with skilled operators, and effectively negotiated with customers. Working closely across departments Robert describes how he gained a comprehensive understanding of the business, further developing his skills by getting an even deeper insight into the various aspects of the organization.
Robert's interest in technical bidding was sparked by his collaboration with the technical bid team, igniting a curiosity to delve deeper into this aspect of the business. As he became more fascinated, he got the opportunity to support the technical bid team by volunteering for extra tasks in the department. Recognizing his enthusiasm, Robert tells how his manager provided strong support as he gradually transitioned into a more involved role in technical bidding. This support included opportunities for additional training and mentoring, enabling Robert to further develop his skills in this area.
“Learning more about our business and products, I realized that there is unlimited amount of knowledge within Vestas to absorb and that really excites me.”
Through his deep involvement with and understanding of the technical bid process, nurtured by his own curiosity and the support of his manager, Robert enabled himself to seize the opportunity to transitioned to the Technical Bid Engineer role. The introduction of a new auction system in Poland further accelerated this transition, offering him the perfect opportunity to step into this role. Robert’s responsibilities included managing the Poland market. This involved not only closing deals with customers but also navigating regulatory changes and collaborating closely with authorities. Additionally, Robert took on the responsibility of working in tight collaboration with the Polish Wind Energy Association and joining industry work groups to address technical challenges across the country.
Robert moved on to become a technical bid specialist in 2019, overseeing the Polish and the Baltics market as well as supporting auctions in South Africa. Having worked as a Technical Bid Specialist and gained valuable experience, Robert accepted a leadership role, tasked with heading the technical sales management team for Poland and the Baltics. Transitioning from a specialist to a people leader presented a new set of challenges. Robert describes navigating this transition required an adjustment in mindset and approach, encountering the challenge of shifting from being the problem-solver to supporting others in finding solutions. However, with the backing of his team, and support through additional leading training programs, Robert navigated this transition, learning and growing in the process.
"As a people leader, my responsibility doesn’t end with the accomplishment of a negotiated deal or the signing of a contract. My responsibility now also includes supporting the growth of my colleagues in the same way my managers supported me in getting to where I am now."
Throughout his career at Vestas, Robert describes how he has been supported by a nurturing environment characterized by a welcoming culture. He credits Vestas for fostering an atmosphere where managers actively assist in personal and professional development, providing opportunities and the freedom to pursue them. Motivated by this supportive culture, Robert seized various opportunities within the organization, continuously seeking possibilities for growth and advancement.
Looking back on his journey, Robert underscores the importance of flexibility as a key factor in navigating career growth. Drawing from his own experiences, Robert acknowledges that flexibility has been instrumental in his ability to overcome challenges and seize new opportunities. He encourages others to embrace change, remain agile, and approach their careers with a willingness to adapt to whatever comes their way.
“My best advice would be to stay open minded and be adaptable to changes. We live in agile times, and I think the only thing that is constant in our lives is change.
By Simon Slebsager